Di. 11 Mai 2010 bis Sa. 15 Mai 2010 – Forex-Intensiv-Seminar mit Berndt Ebner: Kombinieren Sie Urlaub und Weiterbildung! In diesem Forex-Intensiv-Seminar zeigt Ihnen Berndt Ebner in 4 Trading-Tagen, wie Sie Ihre Stärken und Schwächen im Trading erkennen und Ihr Trading dementsprechend optimieren … Weiter Infos und Anmeldung
Mi. 12 Mai 2010, 19:00 bis 19:45 Uhr – Day Trading Strategies (Webinar): In this webinar Mark Hodge, Head Coach at Rockwell Trading, will show you powerful day trading strategies that can be used to trade leveraged markets. He’ll show you what settings to use, the rules, and when to enter and when to exit a trade … Register and Info
Do. 13 Mai 2010, 13:00 bis 13:45 Uhr – Anticipating the Forex Trends – Part 1: Foundations for Trading Forex (Webinar): Greg Michalowski. Chief Currency Analyst at FXDD, will discuss his forex trading philosophy and ideology, using Metatrader 4 currency software. The introductory webinar – in a series – will build the foundation for trading success in forex through the use of simple technical tools that can be used to help anticipate trends and keep fear to a minimum. Too many traders forget about the foundation needed in order to be a successful forex trader. Don’t make that mistake with your trading. Tune in for an understanding of what you need to do before you even pull the trigger. For seasoned traders, come back for a refresher or new ideas … Register and Info